Keep on innovating!


We recently attended the IoT Tech Expo Europe 2017 in Berlin. It was great to be a part of discussions about ground breaking ideas in healthcare technology that are affecting the industry. Key areas related to innovating to improve the populations health, enhance the care experience and reduce costs. We were lucky to share our Mixed Reality ideas with international innovation leaders Kai Gait – Senior Digital Director at GSK and Dr Hardy Kietzmann – Director Innovation at Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH. Their message for the audience was “keep on innovating!”.

Exciting new innovative demo

This week we will be presenting our innovative mixed reality demo at the Energy Innovation Centre, to Matthieu Michel, Head of Innovation Delivery at EIC and National Grid’s UK Gas Innovation team.

The technology has enabled us to reimagine and redesign elements of the project/site manager’s office and the demo shows how we envision this technology will drive efficiency, cut costs and make a difference to the energy utility sector.

We combine static data, real time data and documents into one to show how easily mixed reality can be used within a business context.

Call us on 01625 560123 to arrange a demo.
